Pondering swim pool safety and open or closed events in the time of COVID-19 virus


Center for Disease Control has some info on water and the COVID-19.

Screenshot of CDC web page about COVID-19 and pools

Click on the link and read it for yourself. Pools, if well treated, should be safe from COVID-19. Find that statement right after the part on poop and before sewage treatment.

But there is more, of course.

I wish I had my own endless pool. Then I'd not need to go out and encounter anyone along the way.

The water in the pool should be good. But, you'll still be out and about in the throws of a global pandemic. 

What about the surfaces in the locker room. Well, wear your swim suit to and from the pool. Shower at home. Have water shoes for the deck. Just wave at the lifeguard. Avoid team meetings at practices. 

The big championship meets were waved off due to the gatherings and the aim to curb the spread of the virus, not the water.

I was there. We got sent home. I called our scholastic swimmer and her family as they were driving to the meet. I told them on the phone to do a U-turn because they just cancelled the swim meet.

Sad to lose the community and the competition, but it is a prudent measure. 

Everyone needs to hunker down and delay the spread so that the health-care institutions are not over-come by waves and waves of sick people. Delaying the spread by days and weeks can help to get the testing materials and labs functional. Delaying can allow for more time for prep for the volumes yet to come. Delay the spread can give more time for the science to mature so that the counter-measures can be orchestrated. 

At 11 am on Thursday, March 12, coaches gathered for check-in for the PIAA Class AA Swim & Dive Meet in the Bucknell University Fieldhouse when a PIAA official, Melissa Mertz, standing a a chair, made the announcement that the meet would be cancelled. 

As day two of the AAA swimming prelims ended, about 11:45 am, a similar announcement was made to the coaches on deck. The morning's time finals just completed would be the last of the swimming. Evening finals were cancelled. The divers already in warm-ups were able to wrap up their competition.

Sign: Shower before entering pool or spa

Do it.

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